Satumetsä authors, illustrators & translators





1/2022 issue no. 5


Satumetsä’s 5th issue includes old Finnish folklore in a form of an old Finnish folktale of Antti Puuhaara and a tale by Samuli Paulaharju. There is also a comtemporary tale by Raija Kurki in which the World is seen through eyes of a little seedling. The first contemporary continuation story serie in Satumetsä is Tähtikartaston karkurit (The Star Chart Runaways) by Heli Koljonen, in which just another ordinary day on a school trip turns into a marvellous adventure in a spacesailing ship to visit Moon Mikko. In Satumetsä’s fifth issue there is also childrens poetry written by Sara Rouvinen and fascinating Tyttö, joka kulki käärmeiden kanssa (A Girl who walked with Snakes) by Tiina Laine both in Finnish and Northern Sami languages!



Sara Rouvinen, Raija Kurki, Aulikki Ristoja, Heli Koljonen, Tiina Laine



Rimma Erkko


Cover illustration:

Aleksis Shi



2/2022 issue no. 6

European Fairytale theme issue


Satumetsä’s 6th issue is dedicated to European fairytale. European Fairytale theme issue includes a new Finnish translation of The Beauty and The Beast (La Belle et la Bête, 1740) by Gabrielle-Suzanne Barbot de Villeneuve, Ukrainian folktale The Magic Egg, Belgian folktale The Six Sillies and a comtemporary European fairytale by Clara Verri telling a story about a girl named Helga, who loves lupins and about her mother and elves.



Clara Verri, Aulikki Ristoja, Jenni Soramo



Elina Huttunen, Rimma Erkko



Elina Huttunen


Cover illustration:

Eleanor Vere Boyle



3/2022 issue no. 7


Satumetsä’s 7th Autumn issue includes a new Finnish translation from Thumbelina’s (Tommelise, 1835) world-known tale by H. C. Andersen and wonderful Autumn poetry written by Tuovi Mutanen. Autumn issue includes also a Finnish folktale about The Gold Bird and the Water of Life, amazing Magic World of Pomenia created by Petronella Grahn and a contemporary Indian Fairytale The Dragon Bread, continuation to the tale about Lintunian paradise by James Paul.



James Paul, Petronella Grahn, Aulikki Ristoja, Tuovi Mutanen



Elina Huttunen


Cover illustration:

Mykola Murashko




🎃 Satumetsä Halloween Special issue 🎃

published as single copies only in 2022 & 2023


Satumetsä’s Halloween Special includes the first Finnish translation of North American horror classic The Legend of Sleepy Hollow (1819-1820) by Washington Irving. Halloween Special also includes a story Manalan neito (The Maiden of the Underworld) by our national poet J. L. Runeberg’s wife Fredrika Runeberg and the story of the World famous Russo-slavic witch Baba Jaga. The Halloween Special issue also includes a new Finnish translation of the poem The Raven by the Master of Horror Edgar Allan Poe and adaptation from South American horror myth of El Cuco – a monster who scares children at night. Asian horror is represented in the form of a japanese tale about snowmaiden Yuki-onna. Satumetsä’s Halloween Special might include also other spooky surprises.


This Special issue of Satumetsä is for the bigger children only and it is advised to read it together with children. It is a great subscription opportunity for anyone who is fascinated by classic horror tales!



Jenni Soramo, Rimma Erkko



Elina Huttunen


Cover illustration:

Rimma Erkko



4/2022 issue no. 8 Christmas issue


Satumetsä’s Christmas issue includes the grand finale of the continuation story A Christmas Carol in Prose, Being a Ghost Story of Christmas (1843) shortened version by Charles Dickens and a new Finnish translation from a Christmas poem Twas the Night Before Christmas (1823) by Clement Clarke Moore. Christmas issue also includes a contemporary Christmas tale Tilli, Talli ja Talven taika (Tilli, Talli and The Magic of Winter) by Ella Korhonen and Ada Aalto which tells a story about two mice, Tilli and Talli, and The Daughter of The Forest Pihka and their meeting with Hiisilord. Fifin jouluseikkailu (Fifi’s Christmas adventure) by Tarja Turunen is a contemporary Christmas tale about our beloved pets and another contemporary tale Joulutarina metsästä (Christmas tale from the Woods) by Clara Verri makes us wonder the inner essence of a Christmas gift.



Tarja Turunen, Ella Korhonen, Ada Aalto, Elina Huttunen, Clara Verri



Satu Turunen, Ada Aalto, Elina Pätsi



Elina Huttunen


Cover illustration:

John Bauer


Satumetsä editorial staff also thanks for Salla Hiltunen and Miska Karhu who took part in making the volume 2022.





1/2021 issue no. 1


The first issue of Satumetsä includes adventures of Willowtit and Hummingbird, Fisher Grandpa and his granddaughter and Merryeye and Sorroweye as contemporary tales. First issue includes also poetry and rhymes for children and the stories Lumolinna (The Castle of Enchantment) by Anni Swan and Adalminan helmi (Adalmina’s Pearl) by Zacharias Topelius.



Hanna Rentola, Juho Kuusi, Oskari Vaaras, Matti Mantila, Aulikki Ristoja, Leena Sainio, Minna-Kerttu Kekki, Elina Huttunen



Tiina Huttu, Janette Pitkänen



Henriikka Klint-Connelly



Camilla Englund


Cover illustration:

Kirsi-Marja Moberg



2/2021 issue no. 2

International Fairytale theme issue


The 2nd issue of Satumetsä is International Fairytale theme issue which includes the story of The Blue Bird (L'Oiseau bleu, 1697) by Madame d’Aulnoy, The Tale of Peter Rabbit (1902) by Beatrix Potter and Indian contemporary Fairytale about the paradise of Lintunia in the Seven Magical realms by James Paul as well as Romanian contemporary Fairytale by Maria-Anca Catană. The International Fairytale issue includes also a contemporary tale about a tiny Elephant who wants to chase away stormy clouds with beautiful illustrations by Irina Kreer-Boulay and a mythical Fairytale from North American Indian tribes how Autumn leaves got their colours and contemporary Children’s poetry from Estonia by Irena Peterson.



James Paul, Aulikki Ristoja, Irina Kreer-Boulay, Irena Peterson, Maria-Anca Catană, Mohamed Ahmed Haji Omar



Aryan Hasanvandi, Irina Kreer-Boulay, Gemma de Wit



Siru Tirronen



Em Seikkanen & Elina Huttunen



Ayano Honda



Elina Huttunen


Cover illustration:




3/2021 issue no. 3

Nordic Fairytale theme issue


Satumetsä’s 3rd issue is a Nordic Fairytale theme issue which includes the world-known classic The Little Mermaid by H. C. Andersen, Norwegian folktale Soria Moria Castle and Finnish folktale The Mouse Bride. The Nordic Fairytale theme issue includes also contemporary Fairytale about Mermaid Athiraa’s adventures under the waters of Baltic Sea by Mermaid Linda Ågren, Finnish-Icelandic contemporary saga telling a story about Princess Gói and Sami surprise!


Music for the song Seavdnjada gonagas Pimeyden kummitus (The Ghost of Darkness) by Inger-Mari Aikio. Melody and adaptation: Miro Mantere, vocals: Mihkku Laiti, music: Aikamelkohyvä




Merenneito Athiraa Linda Ågren (Mermaid Athiraa of Sweden), Bjarnheiður Erlendsdóttir & Elina Huttunen, Inger-Mari Aikio, Aulikki Ristoja



Samuli Arhippainen, Linda Ågren, Magnus Lundborg, Linda Paganelli



Einar Másson



Siru Tirronen



Tuuli Pietinen, Elina Huttunen


Cover illustration:

Hertha Maria Richardt Úlfarsdóttir



4/2021 issue no. 4

Christmas issue


Satumetsä’s Christmas issue includes Christmas stories from Finland and around the world and Christmas-themed poems and songs. The Christmas issue includes a shortened adaptation from A Christmas Carol in Prose (1843) by Charles Dickens, The Little Match Girl by H. C. Andersen and German-Irish Fairytale The Christmas Fairy of Strasbourg which tells a tale about the origin of the Christmas Tree.



Aulikki Ristoja, Elina Huttunen, Veikko Huttunen, Helena Huttunen



Jenni Soramo



Elina Pätsi



Elina Huttunen


Cover illustration:

John Bauer


Satumetsä editorial staff also thanks for Salla Hiltunen and Miska Karhu who took part in making the volume 2021.



